Introduction Last updated: October 2024

Sngine is a Social Network Platform is the best way to create your own social website or online community. Launch it in just 1 minute with ultimate features. It’s easy to install

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to create a support ticket on our support system. Thanks so much!


To install Sngine or even to open a support ticket you must know your Purchase Code of Sngine and to get your Purchase Code

  1. Login to Codecanyon and open your downloads
  2. Click on the download button of Sngine and download License certificate & purchase code You can download it as a PDF or text file
  3. You will find your code as the following


No coding or design skills needed.


This script requires the following system requirments to run:

  • Apache, Nginx or IIS Sever
  • PHP 7.4+ and MySQL 5.0+ (Sngine also supports PHP 8+ and MySQL 8+)
  • PHP Extensions: mysqli, mbstring & curl
  • PHP Library: GD
  • PHP Funcrions: allow_url_fopen() & mail()
You can ask your hosting company support to make sure to install/enable them for you


Sngine requires SSL certificate only if you will enable video/audio chat or live streaming or to build the mobile apps Check the FAQs to learn more


To run Sngine on Nginx & IIS severs, Check the FAQs to learn more

How to Install

  1. Now make sure you created an empty MySQL database along with user account for it.
  2. After unzip Sngine Files, you will found Script Folder
  3. Start your FTP client (Like Filezila which is free) and login. Login to your server. You will need your host name (often times this will be your domain name), username, and password that you setup with the hosting company.
  4. Locate the domain folder you wish to upload your Sngine files to on your server. You are going to upload all files located in Script Folder to your FTP client.
  5. Once the files are done uploading, you have to change chmod of content/uploads folder and content/themes/default/templates_compiled folder to 777.
  6. Just goto your website and Sngine installer wizard will run automatically
  7. In case you got the following error "wizard cannot create the config file" just make sure that the includes folder is writable "777" then go and empty the database then try to run the installer wizard again and after installation change it back to its normal permissions.
  8. Sngine installer wizard is very clean, you will need to put your Purchase Code at step #3 and the rest is simple just follow the video tutorial

That's all, Enjoy!

Socail Logins

Learn how to integrate Sngine with the different social login supported by Sngine like Facebook, Google, Twitter and much more.


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Facebook with it to let your users login with their Facebook accounts

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Facebook account
  2. Now click My Apps and click Create App
  3. Fill the form and click Create App ID
  4. Now go to Settings and enter your domain or subdomain where you installed Sngine in the App Domains

    Also provide Privacy Policy URL and Terms of Service URL you can use your Sngine static pages for these also you will need to select the app Category

    For User Data Deletion add your website link then /settings/delete

    Finally click Save Changes
  5. Also make sure you added your website URL in Site URL
  6. Now go to Use cases then Use cases then Settings and put the following URL as Valid OAuth redirect URIs then click Save Changes
    Make sure you have enabled the Use Strict Mode for Redirect URIs

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly but without www like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in sub-domain like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in a directory like the URI should be like this:

  7. App still "In Development" mode and to make the app live, Click on the Go Live and follow the steps as required by Facebook then click Go Live
  8. Now goto to Sngine Admin Panel -> Settings -> Registration Settings -> Social Login tab and paste both keys (App ID & App Secret) as shown
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Google with it to let your users login with their Google accounts

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Google account
  2. Click Select a project then click on NEW PROJECT and follow the steps
  3. Select Credentials and click Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID
  4. But first you will need to configure Consent Screen and will need verification from Google Team
  5. After you configured the Consent Screen you need to submit your app to verification process by Google Team
  6. Now we can create credentials select Credentials and click Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID
  7. Provide this URI as the Callback URL for your application as following:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly but without www like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in sub-domain like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in a directory like the URI should be like this:

  8. Copy both Client ID and Client Secret
  9. Now goto to Sngine Admin Panel -> Settings -> Registration Settings -> Social Login tab and paste both keys as shown
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Twitter with it to let your users login with their Twitter accounts

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Twitter account
  2. Click New Project and fill the form
  3. Provide this URI as the Callback URL for your application as following:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly but without www like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in sub-domain like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in a directory like the URI should be like this:

  4. Now goto to Sngine Admin Panel -> Settings -> Registration Settings -> Social Login tab and paste both API Keys as shown
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Linkedin with it to let your users login with their Linkedin accounts

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Linkedin account
  2. Click Create Application and fill the form
  3. Now after creating the app go to Products tab and select Sign in with Linkedin and it will need review from Linkedin team
  4. Now back to your Authentication and Provide this URI as the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URIs for your application as following:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly but without www like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in sub-domain like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in a directory like the URI should be like this:

  5. If your app got approved Now goto to Sngine Admin Panel -> Settings -> Registration Settings -> Social Login tab and paste both keys as shown
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Vkontakte with it to let your users login with their Vkontakte accounts

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Vkontakte account
  2. Click Create App and fill the form
  3. Now back to your Settings page and enter your domain name as base domain & Provide this URI as the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URIs for your application as following:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly but without www like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in sub-domain like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in a directory like the URI should be like this:

  4. Now copy both Application ID and Secure key
  5. Now goto to Sngine Admin Panel -> Settings -> Registration Settings -> Social Login tab and paste both keys as shown
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate WordPress with it to let your users login with their WordPress accounts

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your WordPress account
  2. Click Create New Application and fill the form
  3. Enter your domain name as Website URL & Provide this URI as the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URIs for your application as following:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly but without www like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in sub-domain like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in a directory like the URI should be like this:

  4. Now copy both Application ID and Secure key
  5. Now goto to Sngine Admin Panel -> Settings -> Registration Settings -> Social Login tab and paste both keys as shown
That's all, Enjoy!


Learn how to integrate Sngine with the different payments supported by Sngine like PayPal, Stripe, CoinPayments and more.


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate PayPal with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your PayPal account
  2. Now under Testing Tools click Sandbox Accounts then click Accounts then click on Create Account button and Create new Business (Merchant Account) and fill the form
  3. Then Create Personal (Buyer Account) and fill the form
  4. Both accounts will be linked with your new PayPal app for SandBox Mode
  5. Now click My Apps & Credentials
  6. Now goto to your PayPal App and add new webhook, Webhook URL should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly but without www like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in sub-domain like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in a directory like the URI should be like this:

  7. Also make sure that your app has subscriptions enabled
  8. Now if you will use PayPal in SandBox (Test) Mode Copy Client ID and Secret
  9. For Live Mode Copy Client ID and Secret from Live Tab
  10. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Payments Settings and paste both Client ID and Secret and select the mode you want Test or Live
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Paystack with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Paystack live account or create a new one


    Your Paystack live account need to be activated to start using the live mode

  2. Now you will copy your Secret Key
  3. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Payments Settings and paste your Secret Key and enable the Paystack click Save
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Stripe with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Stripe account
  2. Now click Developers -> API Keys
  3. Now goto to Webhooks and add new webhook, Webhook URL should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly but without www like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in sub-domain like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in a directory like the URI should be like this:

  4. Copy API Keys and your Webhook Signing Secret then goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Payments Settings and paste all and select the mode you want Test or Live
  5. For Live you will need to activate your account first
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate CoinPayments with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your CoinPayments account
  2. Now click Account -> Account Settings
  3. Click on Merchant Settings tab and enter IPN Secert You can enter any string you want but try to make it difficult like a password
  4. Now Click on Basic Settings tab and copy your Merchant ID then goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Payments Settings and paste both Merchant ID and IPN Secret and enable the CoinPayments and click Save
That's all, Enjoy!

Verifone (2Checkout Previously)

After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate 2Checkout with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your 2Checkout live account or create a new one


    Your 2Checkout live account need to be activated to start using the live mode

  2. Now click Integrations and from API sections you will copy both APIs Keys and Merchant Code
  3. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Payments Settings and paste both APIs Keys and Merchant Code and enable the 2Checkout on Live mode and click Save
That's all, Enjoy!

After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your live account or create a new one


    Your live account need to be activated to start using the live mode

  2. Now click API Credentials & Keys and from API sections you will copy both API Login ID and Transaction Key
  3. For Live mode you can change it from "Test Mode"
  4. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Payments Settings and paste both API Login ID and Transaction Key and enable the on Live mode and click Save
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Razorpay with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Razorpay account or create a new one
  2. Now go to Settings and select API Keys and generate new Keys
  3. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Payments Settings and paste both Keys ID and Secret
  4. For Live Mode you will need to chaneg the mode then re-generate the keys
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Cashfree with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Cashfree account or create a new one
  2. Now go to Developers and select API Keys and generate new Keys
  3. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Payments Settings and paste both Keys ID and Secret
  4. For Live Mode you will need to activate your account
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Coinbase with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Coinbase account or create a new one
  2. Now go to Settings and select Security and click New API Keys and generate new Keys
  3. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Payments Settings and paste both Keys ID and Secret
That's all, Enjoy!

Shift4 (SecurionPay Previously)

After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Shift4 with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Shift4 account or create a new one
  2. Now click on Get your API keys and copy both Public and Secret Keys
  3. You can activate your account to use it in Live mode not in test mode by click on Apply For Live Account
  4. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Payments Settings and paste both Keys Public and Secret
  5. For Live Mode you will need to activate your account
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate MoneyPoolsCash with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your MoneyPoolsCash account or create a new one
  2. Now click on Merchants -> Developers and copy both API-KEY and MERCHANT EMAIL
  3. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Payments Settings and paste both Keys API KEY and MERCHANT EMAIL
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate MyFatoorah with it to let your users use it

  1. First you will need to get Test Token and you can find it here: Just copy it to your Sngine.
  2. Secondly you will need to get Live Token and API URL for your country you can find both here: Just copy it to your Sngine.
  3. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Payments Settings and paste both Tokens & API URL
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Epayco with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Epayco account or create a new one
  2. Now copy both Public Key and Private Key
  3. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Payments Settings and paste both Keys
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Flutterwave with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Flutterwave account or create a new one
  2. Now copy Public key and Secret Key and Encryption Key
  3. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Payments Settings and paste all Keys
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Verotel with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Verotel account or create a new one
  2. Now setup your website details and Your Success URL should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in your domain directly but without www like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in sub-domain like the URI should be like this:

    If you installed Sngine in a directory like the URI should be like this:

    Decline URL is the same as your website URL

  3. Now you need to copy both Shop ID and Signature Key
  4. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Payments Settings and paste both Shop ID and Signature Key
That's all, Enjoy!

Cloud Storage

Learn how to integrate Sngine with the different cloud storage providers supported by Sngine like AWS S3, DigitalOcean, Wasabi and Remote FTP.

Amazon S3

After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Amazon S3 with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Amazon account
  2. Now click Services And Select IAM under Security, Identity & Compliance and create a new user as the followings
  3. Now click Services And Select S3 under Storage
  4. Now click Create bucket
  5. Now Make sure you have gave public access to your bucket
  6. Also make sure you added the Bucket Policy by adding this JSON code in Bucket Policy, You’ll need to replace “YOUR-BUCKET-NAME” with your full bucket name
    	"Version": "2012-10-17",
    	"Statement": [
                "Sid": "AllowPublicRead",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": "*"
                "Action": "s3:GetObject",
                "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR-BUCKET-NAME/*"
  7. Also make sure you configered the CORS configuration by adding this JSON code
            "AllowedHeaders": [
            "AllowedMethods": [
            "AllowedOrigins": [
            "ExposeHeaders": [],
            "MaxAgeSeconds": 3000
  8. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Upload Settings and paste both Keys
That's all, Enjoy!

Google Cloud Storage

After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Google Cloud Storage with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Google account and select your project or create a new one
  2. Now click Create service account and fill the form
  3. Make sure you give this account Storage Admin Role as shown
  4. Now we need to generate new Key as JSON so select your new account Click Manage Keys
  5. Your new public/private key pair is generated and downloaded to your machine as a new file. This file is the only copy of this key
  6. Now we can create our new Bucket so and click Create Bucket
  7. Now we need to make sure your bucket is public, So follow the followings
  8. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Upload Settings and paste both bucket name and your JSON Key file content and after click Save Changes click Test Connection
That's all, Enjoy!

DigitalOcean Spaces

After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate DigitalOcean Spaces with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your DigitalOcean account
  2. Now click Spaces And Click Create a Space
  3. Now make sure from space settings page that Everyone can list the space files
  4. Now click API And Click Generate New Key and copy both Key & Secret
  5. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Upload Settings and paste both Keys and your space name and location and after click Save Changes click Test Connection
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Wasabi with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Wasabi account
  2. Now click Buckets And Click Create Bucket
  3. Now go to Acccess Keys and Create a new Access Key
  4. Now you need to make sure that your bucket is public so go to buckets and click settings
  5. Also make sure you added the Bucket Policy by adding this JSON code in Bucket Policy, You’ll need to replace “YOUR-BUCKET-NAME” with your full bucket name
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Sid": "AllowPublicRead",
          "Action": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": "*",
          "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::snginetest/*"
  6. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Upload Settings and paste both Keys and your bucket name and location and after click Save Changes click Test Connection
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Backblaze with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Backblaze account
  2. Now click Buckets And Click Create Bucket
  3. Now go to App Keys and Add a New Application Key
  4. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Upload Settings and paste both Keys and your bucket name and location and after click Save Changes click Test Connection
That's all, Enjoy!

Yandex Cloud

After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Yandex Cloud with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Yandex account
  2. Now Follow the followings to create a new bucket
  3. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Upload Settings and paste both Keys and your bucket name and location and after click Save Changes click Test Connection
That's all, Enjoy!


Learn how to integrate Sngine with the different SMS providers supported by Sngine like Twilio SMS, BulkSMS and Infobip.

Twilio SMS

After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Twilio SMS with it to use SMS it for account activation and for the two-way verification

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Twilio account
  2. Now copy both ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN
  3. Now Select Messaging service then click on Services and Create Messaging service
  4. Now goto to Sngine Admin Panel -> Settings -> SMS Settings and paste both keys and phone number as shown also you can add your own number to test your settings (Save First before Testing)
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate BulkSMS with it to use SMS it for account activation and for the two-way verification

  1. First you need to create your account on
  2. You can buy Sender ID if you want to be the name of your website
  3. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> SMS Settings and open your settings page and paste your account username and password
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Infobip with it to use SMS it for account activation and for the two-way verification

  1. First you need to create your account on
  2. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> SMS Settings and open your settings page and paste your account username and password
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Msg91 with it to use SMS it for account activation and for the two-way verification

  1. First you need to create your account on
  2. Now you need to create new AuthKey
  3. You can disable the additional security or simply whitelist your website's server IP
  4. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> SMS Settings and open your settings page and paste your Msg91 AuthKey
That's all, Enjoy!


Learn how to integrate Sngine with the different services like Twilio Video/Audio Calls, Google Maps, Yandex, and Giphy.

Twilio Video/Audio Calls

After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Twilio Video/Audio Calls with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Twilio account
  2. Now copy ACCOUNT SID
  3. Now go to Account then select APIs keys & tokens
  4. After added your API name and click Create new API Key You will get your API SID and API SECRET
  5. Copy both and Now goto to Sngine Admin Panel -> Settings -> Chat Settings and paste ACCOUNT SID and API SID and API SECRET as shown
That's all, Enjoy!

Agora Live Stream

After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Agora Live Stream with it to let your users use it

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Agora account
  2. Now click on New Project
  3. Now Select Secure Mode: APP ID + Token then enter your project name
  4. Now Copy your both App ID and App Certificate and copy them to Sngine admin panel
  5. Now if you want to enable the Save Live Videos feature you will need to get your Agora Customer ID & Customer Certificate
  6. Now goto to Sngine Admin Panel -> Settings -> Live Stream Settings and paste both Agora Customer ID & Customer Certificate as shown
  7. Now you need to enable Agora Cloud Recording for your project
  8. The final step you will need to creata new AWS S3 Bucket to save your users live videos and you can simply follow the same steps Here and then enter your bucket info in Sngine Admin Panel -> Settings -> Live Settings
That's all, Enjoy!

OneSignal Push Notifications

After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate OneSignal Push Notifications with it to allow push notifications feature

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your account or Sign up a new one.
  2. Now you need to add new APP/WEBSITE
  3. Now Enter your webiste or app name then Select Web then click Next: Configure Your Platform
  4. Now Select Custom Code and Enter your website data and then click Save
  5. Copy both APP ID and REST API KEY Then goto to Sngine Admin Panel -> Settings -> Notifications Settings and paste both as shown
  6. Now to integrate OneSignal with your Android App you need to follow the following steps:
  7. And to to get help with your Service Account JSON you can follow this link
  8. After that you will need to add the OneSignal APP ID to your Android App and rebuild the app and republish it
That's all, Enjoy!

Google Maps

After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Google Map API with it to let your users use it


To start using Google APIs You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project at

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Google account
  2. Now Create new project or select your project if you have one already and click menu button click APIs & Services > Credentials
  3. Now You copy your already created API key or you can create new one
  4. From API Console make sure you have the following APIs enabled from your project Dashboard
  5. If not enabled you can click on API Library and search for them then enable them
  6. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Post Settings and open your settings page and paste this key
That's all, Enjoy!

Google Vision

After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Google Vision API with it to use the adult image detection feature


To start using Google APIs You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project at

  1. First you must have a project on Google developers and you can check how to do it from here: Google.
  2. Now goto: and Sign in with your Google account
  3. Now click library and search for Vision and then make sure it's enabled
  4. Now you can get the API key from Credentials

  5. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Uploads Settings and paste this key
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Yandex with it to let your users translate posts

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Yandex account
  2. Now click Create a new key
  3. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Post Settings and open your settings page and paste this key
That's all, Enjoy!


After installing Sngine now you can in easy steps integrate Giphy with it to let your users search GIFs from Giphy

  1. First goto: and Sign in with your Giphy account
  2. Now click Create an App
  3. Now goto to your Sngine Admin panel -> Settings -> Post Settings and open your settings page and paste this key
That's all, Enjoy!


Learn how to customize the web-view apps that come with Sngine by default for Android and IOS.

Android App

  1. Import your APP into Android Studio (Make sure you have latest Android Studio version)
  2. Change App Name & App - Open "Andriod\Sngine\app\src\main\res\values\strings.xml"
  3. Change your website link from "Andriod\Sngine\app\src\main\java\sngine\app\webview\"
  4. To change package name from "" go to "Andriod\Java\Sngine" and set the cursor on sngine press Shift+F6 and Rename Package to whatever you want
  5. To change your applicationId from "" go to "Andriod\Sngine\app\build.gradle"
  6. Change App Icon from "Andriod\Sngine\app\src\main\res\raw" and "Andriod\Sngine\app\src\main\res\mipmap-*"
  7. To change your App Splash Screens "res/layouts"
  8. Export your APK
That's all, Enjoy!


  1. Import your APP into XCode
  2. Change your website link
  3. Change your app name and bundle identifier and app icon and build your app
That's all, Enjoy!


Explore answers for the frequently asked questions related to how to install and run Sngine.


What PHP framework Sngine is built on?

We don’t use any frameworks, Sngine is full pure PHP code.

what are Sngine dependencies?

Sngine depends on some 3rd-party libs for both PHP and JS and you can find them here:

  • /vendor
  • /node_modules
All Sngine dependencies are FREE and Open Souce with MIT, Apache v2.0 & LGPL (v2.1 & 3.0) licenses which means they are totally free to use in commercial products like Sngine.

What is best hosting for Sngine?

You can check our blog post to learn more:

Can I run Sngine in more than one domain?

No, You can't run Sngine at 2+ end-products at the same time with same purchase code even for testing or development (,, are 3 different end-products), However you can install and run Sngine on your localhost along side with your live server with no problem. For more info check the Envato license policy

When is the next update coming up? what are the new features?

When we have something to announce we will announce about as usual also there is no specified date for every new update, We really encourage you to join Sngine group on Facebook to see more discussion about what's coming next:

Can support team install/update Sngine or Build the apps for me?

No support not include any customization or installation service for building apps for your, Kindly check Envato item support policy:

Can support team install/update Sngine as freelance work?

Yes we provide installation and update service as a freelance work, For any Freelance work you can contact our development team from the contact form:


I have 404 error and links not working! Why?

Simply you forgot to upload the .htaccess file, Check this tutorail to learn more about this:

I got this error during the installation "wizard cannot create the config file" How to fix it?

Just make sure that the includes folder is writable "777" then go and empty the database (remove any table from it) then try to run the installer wizard again and after installation change it back to its normal permissions.


How to run Sngine on HTTPS?

Simply you will edit the config file, Check this tutorail to learn how to do it:

I can't find any sitemap with Sngine! Where is it?

There is no sitemap comes with Sngine as there is no need for it, Check this link to learn more about this:

How to use SMTP for emails with Sngine?

You can use SMTP with Sngine and to learn how to do it check this tutorial: